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海运客服Customer Service Coordinator (职位编号:01)
面议 苏州姑苏区 应届毕业生 学历不限
海运客服Customer Service Coordinator (职位编号:01)
面议 苏州姑苏区 应届毕业生 学历不限
我们正在寻找对客户服务有浓厚兴趣,并致力于在蓬勃发展的集装箱运输行业长期发展的人才。候选人一经录用,将:- 在年轻、充满活力的环境和氛围中工作;- 在客户服务部门内部将会有轮岗机会。- 根据部门的实际情况,您将需要完成各类客户服务相关的任务,例如(但不限于): 1)出口订舱 核实订舱资料,在规定时间内完成订舱; 发送相关通知给客户协调各部门及时处理订舱上的相关问题2)出口单证接受和检验客户托单,生成海运提单及发票;发送提单样本给客户确认保证及时完成提单样本及时处理异常提单3)进口操作检查系统单证是否完成;系统开票;发到货通知给客户;发海关进口EDI舱单和进口清单给指定船代;核实特殊货物(危险品/大件货/超标箱/废品等),如码头有特殊操作,通知客户联系码头核实具体的操作流程;跟踪抵港后未换单货物。4)与相关内部部门(如销售、操作和全球办事处)和外部供应商(如船代)进行沟通,根据客户要求完成发货应聘要求:大专及以上学历;物流、国际贸易、采购、供应链管理或相关专业2023在校学生, 有海运行业工作经验者优先; 良好的英语读写能力,英语四级或同等水平证书优先;熟悉办公软件;良好的沟通能力,能独立工作以及具备良好的团队合作精神; 积极的工作态度和良好的客户服务意识Customer Service CoordinatorWe are searching for motivated candidates with a keen interest in Customer Service and are looking to build a career in this evergreen container shipping industry. Key Responsibilities: - The selected candidate will be working in young, vibrant and dynamic environment- There will be internal opportunities for job rotation within the Customer Service department - Depending on the nature of the sub-function, you may be required to perform various customer service tasks such as (but not limited to):1) Booking- Evaluate shipping requests, complete and update booking timely and accurately- Distribute booking confirmations to customers- Vessel balancing activities - Etc2) Documentation Export - Receive and verify shipping instructions, create and complete Bills of lading and Invoices timely and accurately.- Transmit required shipping documents (eg. Bills of Ladings, Invoices etc) to customers and Customs for filing- Clear documentation exceptions and disputes timely- Follow up daily on outstanding revenues- Etc3) Documentation Import- Check the shipments completeness; create invoices/arrival notices for customers.- Submit EDI manifest data to relevant ship agent- Check special shipments and provides the relevant documents/forms/files to concerned parties (including dangerous goods, OOG goods, break bulk cargos, waste goods, etc.).- Monitor long-stay containers and handling abandon cargoes- Etc- Communicate with relevant internal departments (eg. Sales, Operations and world-wide offices) and external vendors (e.g vessel agents) to assure specific customers’ shipments and needs are handled appropriately.Qualification:- Diploma or bachelor degree.- major in logistics, international trade, purchasing and supply chain management or related is preferred but not necessary.- Experience in the Maritime Industry is preferred but not necessary.- Good command of English (read
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