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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2020-03-03 04:53:10 |  访问:24075

浙江大学国际联合商学院(international business school, zhejiang university, zibs)正式成立于2018年11月,是浙江大学国际校区自2016年落户海宁以来,在提升办学层次、优化办学布局方面的重要举措。zibs充分利用长三角一体化、杭州大湾区发展的战略机遇,实施以浙大为核心的多机构、多学科、多层次的伙伴合作战略。











副教授(associate professor)

一般应具有世界高水平大学助理教授(assistant professor)及以上专业技术职务;或在国际顶尖大学获得博士学位且具有连续2年以上的博士后经历或国际知名公司从业经历;或国内管理学或经济学a+学科的优秀副教授。


助理教授(assistant professor)一般应在世界高水平大学获得博士学位且有连续2年以上博士后或从业经历;或在国际顶尖大学获得博士学位的应届毕业生。














zhejiang university international business school (zibs) was inaugurated in november 2018, marking a major step of zhejiang university (zju) to enrich its level of international education and optimize its offering and standards of academic programs. zibs takes full advantage of the strategic opportunities presented by the development of hangzhou greater bay area to implement the multi-institution, multi-discipline and multi-level partnership strategy, leveraging the legacy of excellence of zju.

headquartered in yangtze river delta, one of the world’s most dynamic regions, with the idea of international, interdisciplinary, innovative, inclusive, integrative, zibs aims to conduct business research and train business talents who are ready for the new global economic era with a particular focus on new finance, new retail, new technologies, new industries, and new markets. zibs strives to build a leading global ecosystem for teaching, research and community engagement with business education as its core pillar, to drive the overall development of the business discipline at zju.

zibs currently has multiple faculty positions open for application and is seeking to attract academic talent to contribute to its global development and education mission. successful applicants will play a leading role in teaching and research, serve with academic accomplishments and expertise, lead innovation in teaching and research and provide students with excellent international business education.

i. positions and benefits package

based on the development needs of its programs and disciplines,professor, associate professorandassistant professorare open for application at zibs. through global recruitment, we strive to build a high-level full-time faculty team with global vision and international educational background.

teaching and research areas include: digital economy & fintech, new industry & technology management, international economics & finance.

each faculty member will be provided with an internationally competitive salary and benefits package.

ii. requirements


shall hold a position of tenured associate professor or above at a world-class university or a world-class business school, or a position of professor at management or economics rated as a+ assessed by chinese ministry of education.

shall engage in long-term, stable and high-level research activities and sustain a high level of productivity in his/ her academic area. the applicant shall have a strong reputation and scholarly impact in his/ her specialized area, have access to rich academic resources in and outside china, be able to plan future directions of disciplines, lead research teams, and have rich experience in lecturing in english.

associate professor

shall hold a position of assistant professor or above at a world-class university; or have obtained a doctoral degree from a top-tier university, and have post-doctoral experience for 2 consecutive years or work experience at a world renowned company, or be an associate professor of management or economics rated as a+ assessed by chinese ministry of education.

shall have good scholarly impact, be significantly active in academic work, and be able to preside over high-level research projects, independently advise graduate students, and independently develop courses in english, and offer them with good effects.

assistant professor

shall obtain a doctoral degree from a world-class university and have post-doctoral experience for 2 consecutive years or work experience in industries, or be a recent graduate who has obtained a doctoral degree from a top-tier university.

shall have accomplishments in his/ her research areas with apparent academic potential and be able to independently lecture in english and advise graduate students.

iii. application

the applicant shall provide the following materials via e-mail:

1. detailed cv (which indicates contact information, including e-mail address, telephone, and postal address);

2. innovative research results (including 3 representative publications);

3. a statement of research interests, work plan and objectives;

4. three reference letters.

iv. contact information

please submit applications to:, with the subject “position applied for + name + gaoxiaojob”.

contact person: zhu lin (julie)

telephone: +86-571-87572366


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